Premium eBook
Take advantage of our discounts by purchasing multiple premium eBooks.
The Premium eBook Includes
Get our eBook Performance StatsPerfect for those who want to reach their ideal buyer personas with the power of our SEO expertise. Our insights and guidance help your content get easily discovered in the SERPs.
Receive an in-depth SEO and Content Marketing strategy.
Explore your competition and get on top.
Discover opportunities based on search intent and
current trends.
Reach your ideal buyers.
Evergreen lead generation.
Qualify to be considered for our Top Lists.
A series of articles, featured on eLI's homepage, which will be seen by the whole community of eLearning experts.
Easy-to-use eLI publishing platform for importing, editing, and publishing your content in our eBook library.
eBook hosting on a dedicated landing page within our library.
Our founder, C.Pappas, will write an intro article to promote your eBook release.
Each chapter of your eBook will be published and promoted as a separate article on eLI to support your eBook promotion.
A multi-touch promo campaign that may include several social media mentions on eLI’s channels, email blasts, and popup banner ads.
Full downloader profiles, including name, business email, job title, company name, and company country.
24/7 access to the lead information for 6 months after the eBook publication.
In order to be able to get complete lead information, both parties (your company and eLearning Industry) have to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
Our experts will provide you with a detailed content marketing plan that will take into consideration your competitors and your business objectives.
You will receive a complete editorial calendar, focusing on specific keyword phrases that will target your ideal customers.
Extra SEO tips on how to create content that gets easily discovered in the SERPs.
Our editorial team and SEO experts will make sure that your premium eBook is a success.
Fewer form fields tend to increase conversion rates.
350–540 eBook downloads.
Your campaign will start counting directly after the eBook publication. It’s valid for 6 months.
Preview A Premium eBook Now
See live examplesHow It Works
Book a 1-hour “discovery call” with our Client Success Manager in order to help us understand your business needs and objectives.
YouGet a custom SEO and content marketing analysis, created by our experts, that will help you achieve your business objectives. (Expected delivery time: 15 weekdays)
eLIGet a complete eBook outline, including up to eight (8) chapter titles optimized according to SEO best practices, based on the most valuable topics and keywords. (Expected wait time: 2 weekdays).
eLICreate the chapter content, based on the Editorial Calendar. The eBooks chapters should be written within the next 6 weeks.
YouDevelop the eBook (a PDF file) according to the suggested outline.
YouWe will publish the chapters of your eBook as independent articles on eLearning Industry, including links that direct readers back to your eBook’s landing page.
eLIWe will host your eBook on a specific landing page to help it collect leads.
eLIWe produce an intro article that will highlight the benefits of your eBook, signed by our founder, Christopher Pappas.
eLIWe will start a complete promotional campaign through our social media channels, newsletters, and thank-you pages.
eLIYou can access your leads’ data anytime, as long as your Premium eBook campaign on eLearning Industry is active through your Dashboard on the eLearning Industry platform.
You‘’The editorial calendar being shared by the team at eLearning Industry is a great initiative. The summary and long-tail keywords gave us fresh, interesting insights on what to include in each chapter.‘’

‘’eLI helped us create content that enhances brand reputation and offers value to the eLearning community.‘’

‘’Our eBooks, filled with client-centric content, coupled with eLI’s SEO brilliance, are, from a marketing point of view, the gift that keeps giving!‘’

‘’eLI is consistently delivering value by promoting our assets to the right prospects. We have a steady flow of leads from our eBooks.‘’

‘’Publishing our eBooks on eLI was a huge opportunity to get the attention of prospective customers.‘’